January 22, 2003

  • clarity....alot can be said about it...i've had a few moments of clarity throughout my life...i've learned alot about things....i think i'm in a positive tired mood rite now....i'm gonna list what i've learned:

    - theres more to life than school

    - school is important in life (hard lesson learned)

    - true friendship cannot be measured

    - better to love and loss than to never love before

    - live and learn...never dwell...no regrets...can't have the good without the bad...can't appreciate the good without feeling the bad...

    - experiencing everything life has to offer both good and bad has given me a better perspective on life...

    just a few thoughts....not all of them...i've come to realize that with every decision i make it has reflected some sort of experience i have learned from....

    here's a little history behind ming:

    born july 19, 1978 toronto, went to a private christian school for from kindergarden to grade 8...went to mayfield secondary for high school...1997-1999 UW CS COOP...1999-2000 Humber College CP program...2000-200? Yorku ITEC program...

    [Ming the swimmer] yes believe it or not...i used to be a competitive swimmer...swam from 1989-1997...i was ranked in the top 10 in canada at one point for my age group...can you believe that?...and yes i have shaved my body...feels very weird...very weird indeed...anyways i capped my swimming career of at the end of HS leading my high school team to a #1 OFSA ranking...

    [Ming the rebel] yes...ming at one stage of the game was a punk...drug user, drug dealer, bully, thief, counterfeit scams, you name petty crimes and ming has done it...i'm not proud of my past but its something that i probably wouldn't have done any different if i were to do it again...

    [Ming the raver] this stage of my life as a life-changing event...isn't it sad that chemicals are needed to reach such a stage of nirvana and bliss? but yeah it really changed me as a person...opened my eyes up to an entire new world that i was missing out on letting life slip away...i am not endorsing drugs...i am not telling you to go to raves...all i am saying is that it was inspirational for me...its not for everyone...

    [Ming the ricer] this part of my life just appeared with the purchase of a honda civic...lol...i don't let it dominate my life...but it is something that is fun...if only parts were cheaper or i was a sweetie girl racer and had sponsors =P i think i could be an import model?...what do you think?

    [Ming and the music] this is one thing that i was good at...music...i just wasn't into it when i was younger although i was told i was talented...did the piano thing...was in choir...band....then i found hip hop...this has been a love of mine since 1989. i've learned to appreciate all types of music but hip hop remains my favourite...the current state has become very commercial but wutever...it happens with all types of music...i cho cho choose not to listen to the radio....problem solved...if only i spend my money on turntables and not on "bad things" back in the day....if only i continued to freestyle in the shower and get laughed at by my family...oh well...live and learn...

    [Ming and Love] ok...this is a topic that can only be entered if you are able to get it out of me...i'm honest and upfront about this stuff...but its something that i dunno....its close to the heart...so...this topic will be disclosed another time...

    [Ming and AsianFOCUS] grrr...this has been one of those things that i've been involved with that has taken up so much time, lowered my marks, ruined my relationship, given me sleepless nites, made myself look ghey at times, countless headaches, timeless efforts, beefs, haters and more bad things....and i'd do it all over again and not take any credit...believe it or not...this is something i deeply care about....its been worth all the trouble...i know its just a student group...but the movement and message has been often imitated but never duplicated...i can't tell you have much AF has affected my life...its given me something that makes me feel good about my life...its the 1st thing i've ever done in my life that i can really feel good about...not selfish reasons but true goodness...sounds cheezy eh?...its better than E....trust http://www.asianfocus.org

    [Ming the student] hahaha....u wonder why i left this till the end....i wrote all this up in my lab @ school...i really have to stop this...i used to be a good student..."but smart don't make you cool" (kelly rowland -stole)...yeah all my life i've been trying to not have the image of a geek...it worked...i was socially accepted...and i never regret making the choices i've made in my life...but i have realized that the ability to do something with education isn't something to be taken lightly...thats why i've been trying to make a more conscious effort back into school....100% attendance this term...(shuddup...i know its only been 2 1/2 weeks)...my best term yet...hahaha....

Comments (3)

  • hey ming! it's robin.. from AF.. "who's that?" you say .. ed's friend.. yah i know i haven't been that active on AF, but don't judge me on that! anyway, you've done a great job with your work with AF, and i hope everything else is going good for you these days. i barely know you but that was a nice summary! see u around (maybe?!) ..; later ~

  • Hiya ming....hahah I GOT YOU ADDICTED! MUAHAHAAH....just wait you'll be like me, staying up later and waking up early just to write in here. I swear this is the reason why I'm able to sustain my sanity! Hahaha...anyway, i love this little glimpse into the life and mind of ming. Wonderful to read something about other people! Well I'll have to update you on everything in my life, and I'll certainly address that whole guy issue :) Keep on writing! Oh yeah...AF Rocks muahahahhahah *shhhh*

  • nice hearing from u ming.

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